Full Time RV Tips: Staying Organized

Full Time RV Tips For Staying Organized

One of the biggest challenges of living in your RV full-time is staying organized. After all, there is only so much you can do in such a small area. So, despite the RV manufacturer’s best efforts, RV owners are often left with too much stuff and not enough cabinet space.

If you are living in your RV and you find yourself searching for items such as shoes, salt, and that space heater you know you put away last year, or if your cabinets are filled to the brim—scattering their contents onto the floor every time you open them—it is probably time to work on the organization in your tiny home.

So how to you organize such a tiny space? Here are a few tips and tricks we have found helpful. Hopefully they will help you too and you can be on your way to less stress and more fun. That is why you chose this lifestyle, right?

1. Over-the-Door Shoe Organizer

These things are perfect for organizing a wide variety of items. Use one over the bathroom door for keeping toiletries organized, over the bedroom door for storing jewelry and makeup, or simply use it to keep all of those darn shoes off the floor.

2. Fruit Basket

Use a hanging fruit basket to hold your fruit, stuffed animals, or keys, phone, and other small items. It is the perfect way to make use of the vertical space in that empty corner.

3. Coat Pillows

Storing coats and extra blankets is always a challenge. These items are bulky, and when it’s warm outside they are rarely used. Instead of wasting precious storage space on these items, make them into throw pillows for the couch and bed by folding them and putting them into pillow shams.

4. Stacking Boxes

In order to keep cabinets orderly and reduce the amount of stuff that comes tumbling out of them after a move, try using small, plastic boxes to store loose items in. Transfer games to matching plastic boxes to make storing them nicer, and switch food items to matching tubs to make stacking a breeze.

5. CD Book

If you have a collection of movies you are trying to store, try throwing out the cases to save some space. Store the discs in a CD book for easy access whenever you feel like having a movie night.

These are just a few of our great space-saving full time rv tips! We hope they make your full-time life more enjoyable and relaxing. After all, isn’t that what the RV life is all about?

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