Year Round Fun at Goodyear Metro Park

Goodyear Metro Park in Akron, Ohio

Goodyear Metro Park is the perfect spot for nature lovers, runners, and families alike. The park has several trails that can be used for walking, running, or simply observing the native wildlife. Summit County’s Metro Parks system also sponsors a number of events on the trails of Goodyear. These include an educational dog-walking hike, where a naturalist leads pet owners through Goodyear’s many trails, and group-running activities throughout the park’s paths, which feature a raffle at the end! The trails are also perfect for leisurely walks, and have been expanded recently. During the summer, visitors can observe wildlife ranging from flowering tulip trees, to mallards, geese, and sleeping snapping turtles around the park’s pond.

Goodyear is also friendly to children, with family friendly jazz and rock and roll concerts featuring local bands every other weekend during the summer, beginning in June. There are also arts and crafts periods, and a monthly hike that teaches kids about local bugs. Other hikes also highlight other parts of nature in Ohio, with a fun nighttime hike designed to teach visitors to the park about bats.

If your family enjoys Goodyear Heights Metro Park during the summer, there is good news! Goodyear is also open during the winter. Cold-weather activities include sledding on hills located near parking. The park has a fire pit for warming up, and bathrooms that are open the whole year. There is also lighting at night, so families do not have to stop sledding when the sun goes down.

Whether it’s August or January, Goodyear Heights Metro Park offers something for everyone in the family! Runners, children, and music lovers will all be happy in the park.

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