The winter holidays are over, time to prepare for your summer holiday RVing adventures!

Summer Holiday RVing Starts Now!

Although the winter holidays are barely over and for much of the country winter weather is here to stay for a stretch, it is time to start planning for your summer holiday RVing destinations. This is especially true for your holiday weekend camping trips which fall on Monday, May 29th, Tuesday, July 4th, and Monday, September 4th respectively. It may seem too early, but with the estimated 8.9 million RV owners in the United States, spaces during these holiday weekends are bound to fill up fast!

Where will you go? Take advantage of your choice to plan early and do some research about travel destinations within a few hours drive of your home. If you live in the midwest where the weather isn’t always particularly warm for Memorial Weekend try going somewhere the weather hovers around 54 degrees year round? Take your family on an underground adventure and explore a cave or cavern. There are many to choose from in states such as Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee and more. With so many to choose from you can tour them by foot, boat, jeep or zip line and with varying levels of difficulty there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Fourth of July weekend brings out all the family favorites such as swimming, smores, and staying up late. Research a great place to view fireworks such as Michigan’s Mackinac City or Grand Traverse Bay area. In addition to excellent fireworks displays, delight your family with daily adventures that include hiking, biking, strolling through vineyards, climbing lighthouses and viewing waterfalls.

Labor Day Weekend winds down the camping season but many will be in search of that final camping retreat. Many camping families are restricted to places close to home because of the upcoming school year starting but don’t be dismayed, there is still plenty of fun waiting! In South Dakota explore Mount Rushmore or Badlands National Park. Splash around at the Wisconsin Dells. Shop the Mall of America in Minnesota for some of those last-minute school clothes.

Campers in the Midwest have a plethora of activities to choose from for their holiday weekend camping getaways. The tip is to research and book your campsites early that way when warm weather hits you are ready to go RVing!

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